Sunday 16 September 2018

The Mists of Time

Jo finds herself on a far distant planet years and years after she and the Doctor had previously visited. At the time time of their visit, the dead had a habit of not staying dead, and it seems that nothing has changed according to the sole survivor of the previous visit. Jo doesn't know why she is back here - she left the Doctor ages ago. But whatever was going on then, is still going on now.

Mists was a free audio download from Big Finish, which was nothing short of awesome of them to give away a freebie. And it's a high calibre one, getting Katy Manning back into the recording booth once more. The fact that it was free did not mean anything was sacrificed in quality.

The sound design of Mists evokes some truly creepy atmosphere, which is no mean feat on an audio. Dead people emerging from the fog? Oh yes - classic horror devices which are truly at home in Doctor Who in any format. Big Finish event went to an extra length to reference Mrs Killebrew from The Doll of Death, creating their own bit of continuity.

So Jo isn't the only companion to contribute to the series, though; there are other voices from the Pertwee era who can tell some tales...


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