Thursday 24 August 2017

The Edge

The TARDIS brings the Doctor, Jamie and Zoe to an advanced research facility on an asteroid in space. The scope of the work being done there fascinates the Doctor and Zoe, leaving Jamie somewhat baffled and out of the loop and exploring on his own. But while his friends are having the time of their lives with the scientific aspect of the place, Jamie's wanderings show him a darker and more menacing side to what is going on.

The Edge is the fourth tale in the Second Doctor Boxed Set of Companion Chronicles (Volume 1) and thematically serves as a bit of a counterpoint to the Jamie/Zoe tensions that were central to The Integral. With Fraser Hines performing only with Robert Whitelock as Provost Curtis the perspective is solidly Jamie's and although he still scoffs at the scientific chatter between the Doctor and Zoe he does not have as much of an insecurity complex about it anymore. With the passage of time the rift has been healed it seems, and the crew are a solid unit and ready to take on anything. Jamie even mutters off a few of the baddies they have faced as a team including the Ice Warriors, the Yeti and the space pirates, so continuity-wise this episode fits perfectly right here.

Robert Whitelock also does double duty as station facilitator ____ and his henchman / sidekick Sebastian; he does it so well in fact I didn't realize it was him doing both until the supplemental interview chapters at the end of the program. It's curious that he is coloured blue and the whole audio production leans heavily on a visual they can't actually present, but that's the magic of audio for you. And having enjoyed the recent episodes of Star Wars Rebels I found the literal "blue meanie" of this production to take on the demeanor of that series' villain Thrawn, at least as far as I imagined him looking. Like Thrawn he is cold and calculating and very self assured, certain of his victory over the Doctor but not taking into account the resourcefulness of the companions, moreso Jamie who he assumes is not a threat or of any consequence.

And this is the last of the expanded universe material for this TARDIS crew as a unit. Big change is coming as we return to the televised episodes and a mammoth 10 episode finale for the trio.


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