Wednesday 29 June 2016

The Wanderer

Ian remembers how the TARDIS landed in Siberia in the 19th century, right around the same time as mysterious objects have fallen from the skies and landed in the countryside. The locals are suspicious of any who ask about them, falling back onto superstitious habits, although a man named Grigory wants to assist in determining the origin of the objects. The Doctor and Susan begin to fall mysteriously ill and it falls to Ian to sort things out, but the biggest threat comes from Grigory's reaction to the fallen objects from space.

Another of the successful Companion Chronicles tales, again with William Russell playing Ian as he always has. This one feels a bit less like one of the classic era tales though; most of what Big Finish produces for this range makes great efforts to sound like it was plucked right from the scripts of seasons one and two but this time there's a bit more of a pronounced sci fi edge, much like with the novel The Time Travellers. The difference, to me, was when the Doctor says "chronon particles" - that's a bit more precise for the science of the series than was at the time. And when Grigory has a flash-forward to the future and sees the Doctor entwined in all of history, that's more an influence of the new series than anything. But hey, the series needs a different take on an adventure here and there to keep things fresh.

This adventure went by pretty quickly; I listened to it at work one morning in the background while getting my paperwork all sorted out. As it was not terribly complicated I didn't have to worry about paying 100% attention to it, which is great if you're enjoying while doing something else or taking it on a road trip. Don't get me wrong; it was a good one and didn't bore me or anything, it was just ... simple. There were no major continuity notes to pay attention to aside from Grigory's view into the future, most of which at this point would mean relatively little to someone with no idea of what's to come, pretty much like Ian as he listens to Grigory rhyme it all off.

But in the end, alien plot foiled, everyone goes home happy, on to the next tale.


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